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Jan. 7, 2022

172 Embrace Good Financial Habits That Position You For Financial Fitness In 2022

172 Embrace Good Financial Habits That Position You For Financial Fitness In 2022

If you had a choice between daily habits and resolutions to start the new year, I recommend habits. Why? Daily habits are measurable, resolutions are short-term, especially as it pertains to your finances. Host Vann shares tips to assist you in achieving financial fitness in 2022.

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Wealth Academy Podcast - Wealth Is More Than Just Money

Make an assessment of your finances today and you will thank yourself for it by the end of 2022. Get a notepad or spreadsheet and write down all of your debts, this will assist you in seeing how much you owe, so you can know where you stand today.

Financial Habits For The New Year:

1. State your total debt so you can address how you are going to pay it 

2. Start a spending journal or spreadsheet

3. Track every penny you spend each day

4. Resolve to reset your financial management habits

5. Consider going on a financial fast, don't spend any money for three weeks, don't use debit or credit cards, nor any online purchases

6. Recalibrate in order to assess your spending and be aware of this on a daily basis

7. If you have a financial disruption in your life, ensure you have good relationships with your family, and or friends, just in case you need their help financially.

8. There is a new definition for ATM and it is this...always spending money, ensure you don't allow this to happen to you.

This list of financial habits will help you today and throughout 2020, incorporate these financial habits into your daily life and by year's end you will be in a much stronger financial position,

If you have questions email me at info@paulvannspeaks.com or call me (800) 341-6719

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