As people go about their day-to-day life, they don't think about living without debt because they are just trying to do their best. Here are a few tips to consider to assist you in positioning yourself to live a life without debt which is more possible than you will ever know.
- Don't neglect saving money, pay your debts but don't do so at the expense of your savings and emergency account.
- Investing assists in building wealth, do not stop investing because it will help you pay off your debts a lot sooner.
- Do not get rid of your credit cards, if used responsibly they can make a difference if you have an emergency. Pay more than the minimum each month to accelerate repayment of the debt.
- Neglecting insurance can result in paying for medical and or automobile debts if you need treatment and or if you have a vehicle accident. You need adequate insurance coverage no matter what and it can help you live debt-free.
- Stick to a budget, never stray away from it. Come up with your own unique budget, consider the 50/30/20 plan. After-tax income or 50% should go towards your mortgage, rent, and other essentials., 30% should go towards entertainment or fun account, and lastly, 20% should go towards savings, paying off your debt, and investing,
- The key to living debt-free is to not overspend. The bottom line is to develop a budget, use discipline, and create a concrete spending plan, without it, you will be living with debt which is counter to what you want to achieve financially.
You can live debt-free, so you decide when you want to begin this process. If you have any questions about living debt-free contact Paul at (800) 341-6719 or email him at
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