One conversation that needs to take place more than any, is how a four-letter word can wreak havoc on your finances. This episode of Wealth Academy Podcast focuses on how the four-letter word, debt can throw your finances off quicker than anything else.
One of the things more families need to do is to have money talks. The focus of money talk should be on the four-letter word, debt.
Credit card debt decreased during the pandemic, however, Americans spend too much with credit cards.
1. Average credit card balance $5,525 dollars
2. Average revolving utilization rate 25%
3. Loans made by banks $806 billion
4. Highest number of credit cards owned by generation is baby boomers 3 cards
5. Gender credit card debt - men $7,407 women $5,245
6. Race - Caucasian $6,940 highest credit card debt African Americans lowest credit card debt $3,940
Total consumer debt Americans $4.4 trillion, revolving debt $1 trillion, nonrevolving $3.4 trillionWhat can we do about our debt? Get a spending plan of 50% for necessities, 30% nonessentials, savings/emergency funds 20%, perhaps move monies from nonessentials to savings, to offset your debts.
Picture where you will be financially in 10, 20, or 30 years from now. Work to become debt-free and you will exceed your financial expectations. You must start today if you are to live your best life possible during your golden years.
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