Amazingly some people have never developed a financial plan in their life. Given that it is National Financial Literacy Month, hopefully, more people will embrace what they need most in their life, a financial plan to forever develop a budget for every other goal in your life.
Listen, if you have never developed a financial plan, start today. I know this is a lot for some people to grasp because if you want to do what you have never done before when it comes to creating a budget, your time is now.
Understand that when you develop your budget, do not include the gross amount you earn because it is not your take-home pay or what is your net income which is after taxes and other deductions.
Next, I recommend you consider a 50%/30%/20% budget profile, meaning 50% is to be allocated to needs such as a mortgage, rent, and other priority items. Allocate 30% for wants such as travel, entertainment, and fun things, lastly allocate 20% for savings, emergency accounts, and investments.
List your fixed expenses so you know exactly what to budget for each month such as a mortgage, rent, vehicle payments, and insurance come up with your annual payment. Calculate your variable expenses such as utilities, coffee, movies, ensure you don't pay them late and or budget to cover these expenses. Lastly, consider automating the process by using your bank or credit union online app to autopay your debts.
Avoid third-party apps for bill paying, I recommend using an Excel spreadsheet or legal-size paper to set up your budget, sadly many third-party apps are fraught with advertising costs, and you can possibly be hacked. The bank or credit union will likely provide you with a free bill pay service and you will have all of your money under one roof sort of speak.
Learn about Paul Lawrence Vann's virtual Financial Fitness course, it is being offered at a 50% discount throughout the month of April, National Financial Literacy Month, here is the link: