233 National Financial Literacy - Day 26 - The Habits of Financially Independent People

As day twenty-six of the National Financial Literacy Month is underway the focus is on the habits of people that are financially free. During this episode, Paul shares insight into the habits of people who are financially independent.
My favorite definition of financial freedom reads as follows: "Financial freedom is the ability to live the lifestyle you desire without having to work or rely on anyone else for money."
The real question is whether you can survive if your paychecks stopped coming in? Only you can answer this question, and conduct your own assessment pertaining to the question. Some people are transitioning into a movement called Financial Independence Retire Early (F.I.R.E.) which entails spending less than you earn and saving or investing the rest to reach financial independence.
Three points of focus for F.I.R.E. practitioners:
1. Minimize your expenses in a few key areas
2. Grow your wealth
3. Never stop learning (self-study, investments, etc.)
This is a wonderful segway for Wealth Academy Podcast listeners and subscribers, in that it is time for us all to lock in our financial literacy, and take action to see your financial goals and dreams come to fruition. Recommend your family, friends, and colleagues to listen to episode 233 of day 26 of the NFLM.
Learn about Paul Lawrence Vann's digital Financial Fitness course, it is being offered at a 50% discount throughout the month of April, National Financial Literacy Month, here is the link: https://bit.ly/3dbperG
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