Paul Lawrence Vann wants entrepreneurs to discover how to embrace database management and customer relationship management, so he called on an expert to provide expertise, wisdom, and knowledge to his listeners. Gail Robinson is the owner of Robinson Business Solutions, she provides content-rich information throughout this interview, take notes everyone, you don't want to miss this episode.
Gail Robinson, Owner, and CRM Administrator at Robinson Business Solutions has extensive experience in Database Management & CRM software. With over a decade of Database Administrator experience serving businesses in their Database needs.
Robinson Business Solutions is a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software Consulting and Implementation firm that was founded to help small businesses realize a return on their Salesforce, HubSpot, Zoho, and other CRM investment by setting the software up to run as a fully functioning business tool that automates business processes, increase client and prospect engagement, and drive profits.
Gail Robinson is an Army veteran and she shares similarities and differences between her experience in the Army and as an entrepreneur. That's not all, Gail explains why it's important for business owners to have a solution-based CRM software in place.
Gail helps small businesses realize a return on their investment with Salesforce, Hubspot, ZOHO, and other software systems. Other areas of discussion during the interview consist of the following:
Visit Gail Robinson's website and you will receive a few free gifts (software applications).
Host - Paul Lawrence Vann
Phone (800) 341-6719
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