Wealth Academy Podcast listeners and subscribers know that wealth is more than just money. During this episode host, Paul Lawrence Vann shares one of the key components in life that leads to living a wealthy lifestyle and its wisdom.
One of the master keys to living a wealthy lifestyle is to have wisdom front and center in your life. Host Paul shares why having wisdom is at the centerpiece of living one's best life. In many ways, successful people tap into their wisdom and it helps them not only reach greater success in life but sustain it over time.
Host Vann states, "You can have all the money in the world but if you don't have wisdom you won't be able to hold onto your wealth." The genesis of this episode on having wisdom has its roots in the Wealth Academy Podcast mantra which is, "Wealth Is More Than Just Money."
Wisdom is the foundation for living a wealthy lifestyle and host Paul shares ways of acquiring wisdom that will last you a lifetime. Recommend your friends, family, and colleagues listen to, subscribe, and rate Wealth Academy Podcast.
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