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Welcome to Wealth Academy Podcast
Paul's impressive military background (thank you for your service, Paul), and his subsequent studies, achievements, and past radio shows, provide a great foundation for this new podcast. I like that we’ll be exploring how wealth is more than just money in future episodes. Paul's warm, inspiring and grounded. This is a great welcome to a new adventure!
A powerful outlook on wealth!
I love the concept of wealth as something other than money. Focusing on money only is never a path to happiness. An academy for wealth in all aspects of our lives sounds very powerful and even necessary! Paul has such an interesting background. A wealth of wisdom!
True wealth is right HERE! Well done Paul L. Vann
Excited to introduce the world to Paul Lawrence Vann. He truly is a man that walks the walk. In getting to know Paul over the last 2 months I see he is a man of integrity, honor and discipline. He truly knows what is like to build wealth. I can’t wait to hear more and more from this wise man. If you want security in your life, listen to Paul’s sage stores and lessons